Sunday, April 1, 2012

Delete / Drop label In New Gmail Account

google mail1. Open your Internet browser and go to Sign into Gmail with your Google account, by entering your log-in and password.

2. Click "Settings" in the top right-hand corner of your computer screen. Gmail displays the "Settings" page where you can make global changes to your email configuration

3. Click the link label.If you are not able to find the link , then do a CTR-F and look for label.

4. Click the "Delete" link next to the label you want to delete. Your label is deleted.

To Drop Filter Click Here

Delete / Drop Filter In New Gmail Account

google mail1. Open your Internet browser and go to Sign into Gmail with your Google account, by entering your log-in and password.

2. Click "Settings" in the top right-hand corner of your computer screen. Gmail displays the "Settings" page where you can make global changes to your email configuration

3. Click the link Filter.If you are not able to find the link , then do a CTR-F and look for filter.

4. Click the "Delete" link next to the filter you want to delete. Your filter is deleted.

To Drop Label Click Here